Wellbeing Garden grand opening


Friday 7 February 2025

Over the last couple of years, a small but dedicated team has worked hard to create a beautiful wellbeing garden right outside our surgery. And this Friday (7 February 2025), we’re officially unveiling it.

If you’re free, please join us between 12pm and 2pm for the opening event. The garden is located just behind the MRI scanner, near our car park.

We will be serving drinks and cake – perfect for a little break. You can take a moment to wander, relax, and enjoy the fresh air in our new greenspace or if you feel like getting green-fingered, the garden could use a bit of a tidy-up after winter. We’ll have gloves available if you’d like to join us for a quick 5 minute weeding session.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Published: Feb 4, 2025